The most comprehensive and well thought out of ERP implementations will mean nothing unless you have the intended users on board. User adoption is key to successful ERP implementation, and to [...]
Enterprises across industries have seen the value of a no-holds-barred, hardworking ERP system that makes sense for their business goals. And with the costs of ERP coming down to make it [...]
According to the Gallup Employee index, in April 2016, only 33% of employees said they were engaged at work. While it might be an oversimplification to say the remaining 67% are disengaged, we do [...]
ERP today is a standard fixture in the lives of many professionals who work in large organizations. Many Fortune 1,000 companies have enterprise software to support most transaction-oriented [...]
As the fall rolls in, the time for reflecting on trends for the year following is here. 2015 was an eventful year for ERP with a few key players launching new versions[1] and 2016 looks like it [...]
Adopting an enterprise resource planning system is a big decision in the life of a company. On the one hand, it promises efficiencies and increased levels of productivity that you only dream of [...]